Cranwellian Roll of Honour in Two Volumes - Volume
This 20-page booklet depicts a verified Roll of Honour of the estimated 800 SFTS trained aircrew killed or who died during WWII including in most cases the squadrons, aircraft and operations they were flying when lost. Marked WIP, we have yet to fully verify some of the names that appeared on SFTS courses with the actual losses incurred and found on authoratative databases.Info
This 20-page booklet depicts the verified Roll of Honour of 388 flight cadets killed in action, killed on active service or died on active service during WWII and, where known, the squadrons, aircraft and operations they were flying when lost. Info
This album contains photographs of headstones of the Cranwellians buried in the cemetry in Cranwell village. Villager, Wg Cdr (retd) Trevor Bushe voluntarily tends the grave.Info
This album chronicals the history of the College during the war years, when it was officially closed for officer training but continued as the Service Flying Training School, arguably one of the busiest periods of training at the College. There are a number of VVIPs who went through the College at this time, including two winners of the VC and Dambuster 'Hoppy' Hopgood whom OC 617 Sqn, Guy Gibson, called the finest pilot he ever flew with.Info
With tributes to the four Cranwellians to win a VC and the two to win the GC, this album catalogues the honours and awards received by Cranwellians during their RAF careers. The data cut-off is mid-1970s when upkeep of such records ceased at the RAF College.Info
The first of two albums covering the Cranwellian contribution to the Battle of Britain.Info
The second of two albums covering the Cranwellian contribution to the Battle of Britain. This album contains annexes of video clips and biographies relating to Battle of Britain Cranwellians.Info
A tribute to all Cranwellian Flight Cadets and SFTS trained aircrew who fought and lost their lives in Bomber Command Operations during WWII. Contains hypertest links to amplifying information and video clips.Info
A sister booklet to the tributes to Cranwellians of WWII Fighter and Bomber Commands, this tribute is still in draft but will cover Cranwellians who fought in Coastal and Overseas Commands.Info

Extracts of BBC1 Songs of Praise

12 November 2023

Extracts from the Songs of Praise programme recorded at the RAF College on Remembrance Sunday 2023.Info
A recording of the Sunday Worship service on BBC Radio 4, broadcast from the RAF College in the year of its 100th anniversary.Info